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Field and Aerial Robotics Laboratory

Alexander Flasch

Alex Flasch photo

+1 443 787 5434

B.Sc. Student (Research Apprenticeship Program)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Alexander Flasch is a Undergraduate student of Mechanical Engineering. Research interests include, manipulation robotics, integration of robotics in botany/horticulture, and rocketry. Current research on gripper designs to aid horticulture with robotic, manipulation.

Alexander is an undergraduate of Mechanical Engineering and is currently in his second year of college. Using past knowledge from working in the computer science department for the Army Core of Engineer C5ISR center, Alex will focus on researching and developing a manipulator that can complete more complicated tasks using a varying range of gripper designs. Alex’s extracurriculars include, WVU University Rover Challenge, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Boxing Club. Outside of college work and research, Alex spends time studying botany.